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RMI National Study on Family Health and Safety

  his Family Health and Safety Study (FHSS) was initiated through the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Ministry of Internal Affairs and conducted by Women Uni...

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Kiribati Family Planning Guideline

  All individuals and couples should have free access to information as well as family planning (FP) services as they wish and require. Family planning allows family and...

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Technical Reports and Document

Nauru Family Health and Support Study

The Nauru Family Health and Support Study aimed at obtaining reliable information on violence against women (VAW), its characteristics, and consequences. Although the&nbs...

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Technical Reports and Document

Tuvalu 2012 National Population & Housing Census Migration, Urbanization and Youth Monograph Report

  Migration is one of the most important forces affecting change in societies around the world. There are many different reasons for migration and these relate to moveme...

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Technical Reports and Document

Belau Family Health and Safety Study

  National Research Project onViolence Against Women in Palau October 2014 Belau Family Health and Safety Study Executive Summary The Belau Family He...

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Technical Reports and Document

Saving Lives - A Brief Paper on UNFPA Pacific Humanitarian Response

  According to the World Risk Index 2014, the Pacific has four (Vanuatu, Tonga, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea) of the top ten countr...

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Who's Who

  The Pacific Sub-Regional Office consists of a Director/Representative, one Deputy Director/Deputy Representative, two Assistant Representatives, five technical advisers ...

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Pacific Feminist SRHR Agenda and Advocacy for Sexual Minorities

Contribution to a panel on ICPD Advocacy: Working with Non State Actors Pacific Conference of Parliamentarians for Advocacy on ICPD beyond 2014 14 August 2013

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Guiding Principles and Operating Values

  UNFPA Pacific SRO is guided by the principles of national ownership and national leadership, including implementing and developing national accountability systems, harmoni...

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