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2016 State of World Population Report

  The tide of 10-year-olds This generation of 10-year-old girls and boys, the so-called SDG Generation, will play a critical role in achieving the United Natio...

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Strategic Analysis to Improve Distribution and Uptake of Condoms in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Kiribati

The current multi-country programme for the UNFPA Pacific Sub-Regional office 2013-2017 covers 14Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). It is a component of the United N...

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RMI National Study on Family Health and Safety

  his Family Health and Safety Study (FHSS) was initiated through the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Ministry of Internal Affairs and conducted by Women Uni...

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Kiribati Family Planning Guideline

  All individuals and couples should have free access to information as well as family planning (FP) services as they wish and require. Family planning allows family and...

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FSM Family Health and Safety Study

  Violence against women (VAW) is defined by the UN as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psycho...

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Vanuatu Cyclone Pam Response

     Many couples want to avoid pregnancy and  childbearing during crisis situations, but lack the means to do so UNFPA ships male and female condoms...

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KIRIBATI: Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights Needs Assessment

  The Republic of Kiribati (Kiribati) is considered to be one of the most demographically challenged Pacific Island nations due to its increasing population, low topogra...

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Shelter from the storm: a transformative agenda for women and girls in a crisis-prone world

  While remarkable progress has been achieved during the past decade protecting the health and rights of women and adolescent girls in humanitar- ian sett...

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Te Ata O Te Ngakau - Shadows of the Heart

The health and welfare of our families is central to the growth expectations of our country. The outcomes emanating from this report on the Family Health and Sa...

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