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Who's Who

Who's Who


Who's Who

Publication date

27 December 2014


2013 Pacific SRO staff including field officers during a break from their two-day Talanoa (retreat) in Suva. Picture: Ofa Swann Tabunakawai

The Pacific Sub-Regional Office consists of a Director/Representative, one Deputy Director/Deputy Representative, two Assistant Representatives, five technical advisers or specialists, five national programme staff (one based in Solomon Islands) and operational and support staff. In line with the need to strengthen its presence in countries other than Fiji, and as part of the Joint Presence initiative in the region involving UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF, a number of additional positions have been established in the region:

  • Joint Presence initiative: Whereby each UN Agency is taking the lead in two or more countries and representing the interests of the other two UN Agencies. UNFPA is taking the lead in FSM and RMI whereby two Country Development Managers/officers and two Programme Assistants have been recruited for the two countries; UNICEF leads the Kiribati and Vanuatu offices and UNDP leads the Nauru, Palau and Tuvalu offices.
  • Joint Presence Office: In the Solomon Islands, all three agencies have strengthened their in-country presence and UNFPA appoints a programme officer and one assistant.
  • Joint Officer: UNFPA and UNICEF are co-funding a position in Samoa who is housed by WHO.
  • Discussions are underway on the need to appoint full-time, additional personnel in other countries where UNFPA is investing significant resources.


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