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Kiribati Health Facility Readiness and Service Availability (HFRSA) Assessment

Health Facility and Readiness Service Assessment was conducted in all health facilities in Kiribati from March to September in 2019. This is to measure the level of service each fa...

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Fiji Health Facility Readiness and Service Availability (HFRSA) Assessment

The main aim for the Health Service Reediness and services Availability survey was to establish a baseline for readiness of health facilities and service availability in areas of M...

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Situation Report

UNFPA Situation Report #1 Samoa Measles Outbreak

The Government of Samoa declared a state of emergency on 15 November due to the escalating measles outbreak. In response to the state of emergency, the Pacific Sub-Regional Office ...

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Situation Report

UNFPA Situation Report #2 Samoa Measles Outbreak

The Government of Samoa declared a state of emergency on 15 November due to the escalating measles outbreak.In response to the state of emergency, the Pacific Sub-Regional Office o...

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Health Facility Readiness and Service Availability (HFRSA) Assessment

The Kingdom of Tonga is making steady progress toward Universal Health Coverage. Currently, skilled birth attendance coverage is 98%, neonatal tetanus protection is 100%, and measl...

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State of the Pacific Youth 2017

The State of Pacific Youth (SOPY) report is fourth in the series of SOPY reports, which span almost two decades. The SOPY has become an authoritative situation analysis on youth de...

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Technical Reports and Document

KIRIBATI: Social Development Indicator Survey 2019-19 (Snapshot of Key Findings

The Kiribati Social Development Indicator Survey (KSIDS) was carried out in 2018 2019 by Kiribati National Statistics Office in collaboration with Ministry of Health and other gove...

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The State of the Pacific's RMNCAH Workforce 2019 Report

This report takes its inspiration from the United Nations Secretary-General’s Every Woman Every Child initiative, which calls for countries to do everything possible to prote...

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Technical Reports and Document

Tonga MICS 2019 Survey Findings Report

The Tonga Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) was carried out in 2019 by Tonga Statistics Department (TSD) in collaboration with Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affai...

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