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29 September 2014

The Pacific ripple - at the 6th Asian and the Pacific Population Conference

September 26, 2013 (UNFPA Pacific) - The Asia Pacific region has adopted a document towards a global development agenda that will contribute to an updated agenda for the International Conference on... Read more

25 September 2014

World leaders affirm ICPD at the 69th UN General Assembly Special Session on the ICPD

MORE than 120 world leaders including presidents, heads of governments, ministers and senior officials and representatives of civil society emphatically affirmed two days ago the critical difference... Read more

18 September 2014

Influence of religion in ensuring dignity for all

September 18, 2014 - HAVING faith or the belief in a higher power is (almost) a default setting for the majority of those who people the small island nations in this ocean of islands we inhabit.... Read more

17 September 2014

We want to reshape the development agenda beyond 2014: Pacific leaders

September 17, 2013 (Bangkok, Thailand) - The Pacific delegation to the 6th Asian and Pacific Population Conference (APPC) will speak with a strong collective voice for its regional priorities. The... Read more

16 September 2014

Building Better Lives through a Population and Development Agenda - An Opinion-Editorial by Noeleen Heyzer and Babatunde Osotimehin

Half a century ago, the world was warned of the imminent explosion of "the population bomb." There were fears that humanity would suffer mass starvation. And that societies would plunge into turmoil... Read more

13 September 2014

Pacific voice for global development agenda beyond 2014 - a Media Advisory

September 14, 2013 - From Monday, September 16 to Friday September 20, some 300 representatives of 40 countries will come together for the 6th Asian and Pacific Population Conference in Bangkok,... Read more

13 September 2014

The Pacific Opening Statement by Cook Islands Minister for Health, Honourable Nandi Glassie

On behalf of the Pacific Countries, namely Cook Islands, Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, I have been... Read more

11 September 2014

Young aspirations - An article on the 3rd Conference of SIDS Youth Forum Outcome

A document which specifies the aspirations of young people in small island developing states, the T.A.L.A.V.O.U (Towards A Legacy of Achievements, Versatility, opportunity, Through Partnership and... Read more

7 September 2014

Untapped resource - An Opinion-Editorial on World Population Day

FOR the most part, our families and villages will embrace a child even if it is born out of wedlock to an adolescent mother, something frowned upon in most conservative-religious communities; but... Read more

7 September 2014

Connecting through the Moana - an Opinion-Editorial

A FRIEND of mine posted a picture this past weekend of the artwork by her five-year-old son who'd just been taught the formation of waves and was asked to draw his understanding of what he'd just... Read more
